NYC Maternity Shoot – Taken the Day before the Shutdown – NYC Maternity Photographer
March 11th, I was in NYC photographing 3 beautiful, expecting mommas. Literally, the next day, everything shut down. On my way home, my thoughts were on those women. In an NYC shutdown, pregnant and facing a difficult road ahead.
I wanted to highlight them individually – one because their images are AH-mazing!! But also because of what they are facing, how they are coping, and why they are absolutely #NYCStrong.
Morgan Pederson, is an NYC lifestyle influencer, founder of @ConnectorsandCreators, and an amazing woman! Follow her on Instagram – @MorganCreative.
Question: How did you feel being pregnant when all this started happening?
Morgan: Very stressed because I was having thoughts that I should just pick up my toddler and fly to Utah and stay there for months and give birth there. Especially in the beginning, my doctor went out of the office for a few weeks for a surgery but her office wasn’t sharing details. I was worried I had no doctor at all!
(I can’t even imagine. We all knew so little about what to expect in the beginning. I think pregnant women felt this especially!)
Question: How will your delivery experience change? Is it better than expected or worse? When are you due?
Morgan: I am due June 10th! At first I thought I would need a c-section almost a month early because I had complete placenta previa but so far it has moved. My delivery fears have been SOOO up and down!
The first time I really cried and panicked was when NYC hospitals were telling women they couldn’t have their partner present during labor!!! Then the Governor stepped in and said they could.
Then, hospitals said partners had to leave two hours after delivery and couldn’t be there during the recovery stage!! As of yesterday, it looks like (as long as they don’t test positive, they can stay the entire time!). Now I’m just sad that my toddler can’t come to the hospital to meet her baby sister, but at this point, it’s the last of my worries. Now I just need to make sure my husband and I stay free of the virus – One – that they don’t take the baby away, to quarantine, from me after birth and – Two – that my husband can be by my side.
Question: How do you stay positive?
Morgan: So, this sounds cheesy, but two things are keeping me positive (other than my adorable, little two year old!)
- Learning choreography and dancing. Dancing has always been my happy place so I have been scheduling time outside of work to learn some dances!
- Service!! Helping others is always a great reminder how much you have to be grateful for and it quickly changes your perspective. I am working with some other moms here in Queens (which is the epicenter of the epicenter) and we are raising money to set up pop-up food pantries for specific families with kids who are really struggling right now!! If anyone wants to donate – here is the link:
Question: What advice would you give your fellow New Yorkers going through pregnancy and delivery?
Morgan: Try not to over-stress things, because things are changing day by day. So what you cry over now, tomorrow may be different. Keep yourself healthy but really focus on your mental healthy and happiness. Unlike most people, we get to come out of this with an incredible gift – our babies!!! We get that special light at the end of the tunnel!
Question: What words of comfort would you give them?
Morgan: Just remind yourself that once this is all over, we will look back and be so proud we were able to survive all the stress and crazy we went through during a pandemic! A time that should be calm and happy has now become fearful and stressful – we will raise our babies into strong, independent humans!!! New Yorkers are strong and always overcome challenges!!
I loved photographing Morgan and her little girl! Apart from her being simply gorgeous – these images are a reminder to us, both, how life can change in an instant. Our timing for the shoot was incredible – literally, a day later and we could not have done it. This moment is now permanent and always returnable.
Often, there are maternity stories that remind me why I do what I do. Why I photograph pregnant women. This global pandemic has been a big reminder. I hope we can all take Morgan’s advice and go out and find ways to serve each other. Here again is the link to donate to families in NYC:
If you are expecting, and are interested in a NYC Maternity Shoot – the earliest I can return will be early July. I am happy to discuss details and pricing now (honestly, it’s the best time to inquire!) I would love to photograph your pregnancy! If you are in the surrounding areas/states, I travel all over! Click the button below and let’s chat!
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