Top 5 Boutique Gifts for the Holiday Season

CLJ Photography has created the TOP 5 Boutique Gifts for your loved one.

The 2018 holiday season is upon us and finding that perfect, distinctive gift can be difficult.    Something memorable that will be cherished.  Something that really means something.

  1. A beautifully hand-crafted, leather-bound album.  We all had our pictures taken – whether it was clear back in January or during the fall season rush.  You loved seeing your images, loved putting them on your walls.  But you chose one or two for the living room wall and the rest sit unseen on your computer.  Put all of them safely in an album, quickly pulled down from the bookshelf and enjoyed with your children.
  2. A stunning, matte Hanging Canvas.Well, maybe you never got around to hanging up those images on your walls.  Maybe, you just never got around to choosing the right one or just had too much going on.  This beautiful vintage canvas is truly unlike anything on the market.  It will surely show your images with the focus they deserve.
  3. Vintage Brass Framed Print.  Once you have your walls and bookshelves taken care of, there is always the grandparents and frame for the office.  The perfect size for a side table or beside your computer to remind your loved one of the caring people in their lives.
  4. Barnwood Torn-Edge Framed Print.  Rustic and modern, the Barnwood Torn-Edge Framed Print is perfect for every home.  Using clear, museum grade acrylic and reclaimed barnwood, you will love knowing it looks gorgeous and was recycling materials.
  5. A Gift Certificate.  Get ahead for next year and grab a gift certificate from CLJ Photography.  You can keep it or gift it to someone you care for.  We all know a couple expecting a first child or maybe their last.  We know the family that fell on hard times or maybe one for the grandparents so they can finally have all their grandkids together.  Or perhaps we just want another way to document our own family legacy.  As our children grow and change, let’s not look back one day and wish we had been better.  Let’s give our children those cherished albums and pictures for the day that is all they have to remember us.

Stop spending money on gifts that don’t last and don’t mean anything.  And for those reading this that LOVE these items but were not CLJ clients – don’t worry!  Obtain a print release from your photographer and we are in business! For details on product offerings, please contact CLJ Photography via the form on the website.

From CLJ Photography to you – Merry Christmas!

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