Family’s First Portrait – The Weight of this Moment – Newborn Photographer Dallas – CLJ Photography

Take a minute to consider the first photograph you have of yourself as a baby. What thoughts go through your head as you gaze at your face? How do you feel looking at your cheeks, your lips and your eyes? There may be a hint of similarity, things you can see in yourself along with a feeling of amazement and wonder perhaps?
Do you have your family’s first portrait? Does this photograph exist for you? What feelings go through your head as you look at these images? If your parents have already passed this world then do you feel more emotional to hold these?
Simple questions about a simple photograph and yet, the weight of the image is more than most. Yes, one day your children will search for a portrait of you. They will search for this. They will look because you are gone – and what will they find? How will they feel about these images?
What do you want them to feel about their family’s first portrait?

Unquestionably, a beautiful newborn portrait is an heirloom piece that captures the beginnings of new life. It is a beautiful form of art that lives between a portrait and a timeless realm. This moment that has been stopped, able to relive it for generations to come. It holds the weight of a singular event impacting countless more lives.
We would love to create your family’s first portrait. We would love to share this moment with your family. If you would like to contact CLJ Photography to discuss your newborn session, then click the button below to begin.